New Website, and Septemberism

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As of today i officially have my own website.

I created my website through Wix, a custom website designing website. It took a few hours but i got there in the end. My website contains some of my photography, and films, as well as an about me section.

As well as finishing my website I have finalised my film idea and the film I am going with is called Septemberism. The film is about autumn and how everything dies, but we don't hold anything close enough to us to feel death in autumn.

I have been using StarNow to cast for my film and have some auditions hooked up for next week. I am looking forward to the auditions as working with a cast is a new thing, so I am excited for this project.

Tomorrow I have a block through of the film with a few friends to help write the shooting script and get a feel for the script being spoken to me for the first time. 

On top of all of this i have put down my deposit for a trip we are going on to Claremont Film Festival in February. I am really looking forward to this as it will be my first festival. 

Really exciting things coming up, but for now, back to work. 


About the author


My name is Dominic Mathewson and I am a young film maker.

My aim is to challenge boundaries and share stories that I feel need to be shared.

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