New York Finally Legalizes MMA!

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New York State has finally lifted the 19 year-old ban on mixed martial arts! The State Assembly voted 113-25 in favor yesterday of a bill that would legalize the sport. As Bouncer Chronicles has previously reported numerous times the bill had several obstacles to clear. These obstacles needed votes from the committees for Tourism, Arts, Parks and Sports, Development, The Codes Committee, The Ways and Means Committee and the Assembly Floor.

The bill will allow for New York Athletic Commission to have jurisdiction over all combat sports, including MMA. All combat sports will be required to pay an 8.5% tax at the gate and a 3% tax on broadcast rights sold. Look for the first New York MMA event to take place at Madison Square Garden sometime in the summer.

About the author


Having bounced in the best New York City clubs for twenty five years, I have met some of the most colorful and interesting characters in the business. It was my passion to share my story as well as theirs.

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