New York MMA Bill Making Its Way!

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With the arrest of New York State Assemlyman Sheldon Silver last month, Albany took the first step towards legalizing Mixed Martial Arts(MMA) in the state of New York, according to Bouncer Chronicles. A Senate Committee voted to advance the bill this week in Albany. The State Senate Committee on cultural affairs, tourism, parks and recreation voted 9-4 in support of a bill that would make New York the 50th state to have legalize the sport.

UFC Chairman Lorenzo Fertitta said "The arguments are getting tougher to make against, and they're getting easier to make for." Senator Joseph Griffe (R-Rome) is sponsoring Bill #S2159. The bill now goes to the finance committee for a vote. If it passes through the Finance Committee, the bill would go to the Senate for a vote. The bill has passed the last 5 years through the State Senate only to be stalled in the State Assembly.

About the author


Having bounced in the best New York City clubs for twenty five years, I have met some of the most colorful and interesting characters in the business. It was my passion to share my story as well as theirs.

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