New York TKO's the UFC Again!

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The Ultimate Fighting Championship was knocked out last week by a New York state judge who denied it's bid to bring MMA to New York State. According to Bouncer Chronicles the UFC sought a preliminary injunction against New York that would have permitted an April UFC event at the world famous Madison Square Garden.

Manhattan Federal Judge Kimba Wood denied the request in a brief ruling earlier last week. The UFC sued Attorney General Eric Schneiderman last September over a law forbidding the sport. Governor Andrew Cuomo supports MMA in his state. "This is a big sport and it's growing. It can create jobs and economic growth in the state," he said. Professional MMA is legal in every state except New York!

About the author


Having bounced in the best New York City clubs for twenty five years, I have met some of the most colorful and interesting characters in the business. It was my passion to share my story as well as theirs.

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