Nightmare Next Door - TV Show

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There's this show on the ID channel called Nightmare Next Door. It's quite a fascinating show. One of the lines that starts out the show is "How Well Do You Know Your Neighbors?"

It's basically about murders and how they are solved and usually end up being someone the victim knew or someone that was a neighbor that people were unaware was there before. Some of the cases took over a decade to solve.

The narrator is a bit casual and has a light-hearted voice, a odd contrast with teh subject matter. Some people find the tone disrespectful, some eerie, some it doesn't bother. If figure if the tone doesn't bother the people being interviewed then it shouldn't bother me. The comparisons the narrator uses sometimes are annoying not because of the content of them but because they are used so often. The frequency reduces the further into the seasons that you get.

If you like shows like Forensic Files and other crime shows, I highly recommend this series. In fact, I recommend the entire network.

About the author


My name is Shanto and i am from Bangladesh.I like to use social networking site very much and bitlanders is best.

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