Obama & His . . . .

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In this picture, those teenage girls are
daughters to the strongest man on
Earth, Obama right? Ok.
Can you see how simple and down to
earth their dressing were ?
No wedge shoes , no expensive
handbags , no gold or silver necklace
covering their necks.
No Brazilian hair or most importantly
no make up ! They just come simple.
Natural looks , normal cheap bags,
cheap sandals and very moderate
gowns .
I just wish our sisters can learn how
that life is simple and stop bothering
your husband for all those things.
Be contented with what you have and
be happy.
You can see how happy and how they
were laughing irrespective of the fact
that they were not dressed
Or do you think they don’t know
about all those high fashion ?
Your beauty is not about those things
but about how you carry yourself.
Wash and iron the little clothes you
have wear them and have a
personality that’s all that matters.






About the author


Mashiur Rahman, Post: Dhantbhnaga, P.S: Rowmari, Dist: Kurigram, Bangladesh.

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