!!>>oN fIrSt dAtE, wOmEn cOnSiDeR 5 tHiNgS iN mEn<

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Men and women have different priorities when attending a first date. Want to make the girl you like impress on your first date? Well, here are five things that are all concerned women to men during a first date. Check out his review and practice when you go to a first date!

1 Health

Before going to the woman that you like, make sure that you have noticed the neatness and cleanliness of your appearance. Face fresh, clean and neat clothes and of course, no bad breath or body odor even. No woman likes in men slob, let alone body or mouth odor.

2 The ability to communicate

Women will be more like men who have good communication skills. Therefore, men must learn to train their skills in communication, so that when he met with a woman they like, they do not stutter or even silent when spoken to.

3 How to dress

The way men dressed to be one thing that is noticed by a woman during a first date. Remember, you do not always have to be dressed neatly, but sometimes it has a unique style that can also make you attract the attention of women.

4 Ways staring at women

The man who knows good manners will not necessarily apply to the brash woman he meets. And the way you looked at her would be one that is considered by the woman you love. So, make sure that you always keep your view with no glance at another woman when with him or even glance at the personal assets of the woman you love.

5. Intelligence

The way the man speaks and the insights they have into something that is considered by women during the first date. Women will see how extensive insight possessed by the man who came with him, and then compare it with its insights. So, it could not hurt to add your insight to make women attracted to you.

Here are five things are all concerned women to men during a first date.
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Student of Information Technology.

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