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    For the availability of the state of complete physical, mental and social well being, eradication poverty and ensured quality of life, the future of every nation is intimately linked and corresponds to the advancement in the field of science. It also holds vast potential to serve the ends of socio-economic development.



Pakistanis well aware of the facts on its way to the development. Its nuclear programmes are only for the survival of its nation and to unleash the golden era of prosperity. On the other hand, the nuclear test of India was an open challenge which possessed serious threats to very survival of Pakistan .Pakistan was compelled to conduct the nuclear test which was really a rejoicing day for Pakistan.


Like many other countries (developing) we are already caught in the vicious circle of investment, low growth rates and reduced capacity to serve for investment for development. The main problem that we face today is the balance of payment. The exports can only exceed our imports if the loan by I.M.F and other foreign countries are paid their money back. Therefore, a scientific and technological approach to the solution of the current economic problem is enormous and urgent task beforePakistan.

 In this respect , for the improvement of our country’s current economic situation we have to plan our social and economic development and check that everything is done efficiently and correctly. We must depend upon our indigenous basic factors such as:


  1.  Natural resource, we need to exploit them
  2. Human resources, it is the most urgent need.
  3. Capital resources, (Machine, Buildings) checks drainage strictly.




The current situation therefore demands us to share the effort to meet the problems that have arisen with the nuclear test .Future lies with the strong , if now we adopt self reliance as nation, we will have optimum result with bright future INSHA’ALLAH . 


About the author


I am software engineer.looking useful to work ahead

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