Parents Growing Old

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On my social media account, there is this quote stating that we should love our parents, we are busy growing up and often forget that they are also growing old.

Its true that sometimes we forget our parents especially when we begin putting up our own family. Busy taking care of your husband and kids, we somehow forget to think of them. Or if single, we are busy working and doing some other stuff. Sometimes, we can't find time just to visit them. Maybe, we as children tend to see our parents as invulnerable to aging since they were the once who took care and provided for us as we were growing up.

I just remembered my dad upon reading that one. It's been months since I last seen him and I wonder if he's doing alright. I always hope and pray he is doing fine and healthy until the time I can help him financially and make him happy. Though I don't have time to see him, I am always praying for his safety,good health, happiness and long life on this world.

Photo Credit: Google Images

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