Paris.. Paris is just an awesome city to play Ingress!

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 Especially for your uniques. This is no surprise ofcourse. With the thousands of portals starring at you on the intel map you just wanna go there. We chose the big cities we went to on purpose because unique portal visits was one thing we set some goals for!

Short story about our stop in Mannheim though. We arrived really late in Mannheim because there were a lot of traffic jams on the way from Vienna to Mannheim. But finally arriving there and checked in in our appartement in Ludwigshafen we directly drove to Mannheim and met up with some locals. During our short night in Mannheim a thunderstorm passed by with a lot of rain so we decided to go back to our appartement and prepare ourselves for the drive to Paris. Thanks for staying in contact +Claudi A. +swen 7 +Steffen K

Getting up early, packing all stuff and driving to Paris without almost no problems in traffic we arrived pretty early in Paris. The first thing we had to do was getting simcards. This was proven harder in Paris than other countries (If you want the recommended simcards). But thanks to the amazing help of +Denis Leclercq who came straight from his work to help us with the simcards! Getting the simcards to work is by the way the most easiest in France! Put it in your phone, reboot and done! just so you know ;)

Our mindset was to catch up with uniques! We didn't met our goals yet so we were destined to work harder and make more hours to get as many as possible unique portal visits in Paris. The locals of resistance were of a great help pointing us to the good areas and+David Moral even made a pretty darn good map for us! 

You can very much say all the portals are not only thanks to the beautiful buildings and statues in Paris but also from the famous street-art culture of Paris. Seeing a lot of real space-invader art and lots of other things was really enjoyable.

The first days we've spoken a lot with resistance players but didn't meet them yet. So we went to a fun event on thursday where the resistance was going to build a farm and joined them on a drink afterwards. It was really nice to meet all of you guys! 

Put Paris on your bucketlist.. it's a great, beautiful city. Cool and helpful agents and soon there is a mission day! Take your change and meet all the people on mission day. For sure it will be great!

ENL reg:
RES reg:

Just when we left Paris a banner mission of the Eiffel tower went live! Check it out, more details about Eiffel Tower banner in the French Mission Banner G+ community:
Direct link for Eiffel Tower banner:

+Minnie Max +FrNico +cedric rakotomalala +Ingress 

Sadly enough we are now back in the Netherlands again. The trip is over. Thanks a lot everyone for the great adventures, tips and help! It has been an amazing journey, something we won't forget.

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