Parkour Indonesia

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About Parkour

When viewed in etymology (language) and terminology (definitions), National Jamming or Jamnas does have its own meaning. Etymologically, the National Jamming consists of two words, namely "Jamming" and "National" which has different meanings, even from two different languages​​. The word "Jamming" is taken from the English term "Jam" which means overcrowding. However, the term "clock" is defined as an event is an informal gathering that is usually used by musicians to improvise together on one stage each. When associated with parkour, the "Hour" or "jamming" here means an event gathering place for parkour practitioners. 

While the "National" is a foreign language uptake has diadikan Indonesian which means "national character, in respect of or derived from the nation itself, including a nation". So when interpreted terminology, National Jamming means "an activity undertaken jointly to co-exist and complement among individuals involved in national scope".
As was previously known, is organized Jamnas first held in the city of Malang in the year 2009. Yet the idea of ​​Jamnas itself actually has called for long before the 2009 Jamboree. Talks about Jamnas actually started in mid-2007 of a special discussion in the Forum Parkour Indonesia ( through the thread titled "National Jamming". Parkour Indonesia who was still little demand, the Jamboree started a thread with the aim of parkour practitioners face to face with each other and practice together in the same environment. They have never known each other before, just talking in cyberspace about the ins and outs and knickknacks parkour.
"If one does not silahturahmi event, click on the deal to make friends. Anyway first Jamboree was the original purpose of friendship, exercise together and sharing. Because physically see it more than met online lost interest or just a chat, "said Agus Puwanto (Brex) one of the originators Jamboree.
The idea of ​​the Jamboree was raised again in 2008 when Indonesia was invited on the show Parkour Urban Fest diseleggarakan at Carnival Beach Ancol, Jakarta 2008. Opportunity is what ultimately utilized by Parkour Indonesia to invite some Parkour practitioners from other cities to each other face to face. At that time, the community of Parkour Indonesia is still small and scattered in five new cities just like Jakarta, Bandung, Malang, Surabaya, and Yogyakarta. However, the results of the Urban Fest event to fruition in the form of ideas for the next meeting of jamming, both nationally and regionally.
According to Aditya Tirto (Roar), one of the founders of Parkour Indonesia, which is written in the thread "National Jamming" in the forum, the purpose of the Jamboree is not only beneficial to the participants, but also be beneficial to society in general as well as introducing parkour to the wider community.
"The goal? Meng-Indonesiakan parkour. From there it can lead to a youth movement that aims for the health of the body. The time used for the parkour can replace time taken for clubbing, drugs and others. In essence associate parkour as a youth sports activity in healthy and beneficial, "he wrote in the forum.
A lot of excitement and memory of each Jamboree which was held. Each of the cities that host has a different method to fill the National jamming. Not just exercise and introduction event alone, but there are some things that appeal in every jamnasnya. One example when Jamboree 2010 in Bandung, Indonesia Parkour opportunity to gain knowledge of Stephane Virgous and Thomas Coetdic of Parkour Generation, based in the UK. Both are known as parkour praktisis who had studied directly with David Belle, the founder of parkour itself. 

About the author


My name's Hadriyan Sofyan. I was born in Mataram at October 15th 1993. I was born from a simple family. I live in Dasan Sari. Now i'm Studying in Universitas Muhamadiyah Mataram. I have lot friends in my place. Sometimes they are a little bit crazy, hahaha. Crazy in the…

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