Pearl Harbor (movie review)

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       In  (21st May,2001)  a movie   was released,the title of the movie was "Pearl Harbor". The  movie is based on Japanese attack  on an American harbor. The movie encircles the bravery of two friends  which were chums since from  their childhood.

      Both the fiends  wanted to be pilots and they  became pilots  during the days of World War 2.

When  they  were applying for their medical fitness report ,one  of  the friends met with  female doctor later the  friendship turned into love.

Both  were  expecting to get  married  but suddenly  his is transferred  to another head quarter  after a few months the other friend is transferred  to the same place.They both  loved that doctor . Initially they did not knew about that  but  at last   that female of doctor became an apple  of discord between the two friends.One  night, at the same issue they quarelled and very ready to kill each other.

      The day after that night early in the morning,Japanese attacked  with   about 300 jets  and turned the harbor into a graveyard.At this both friends compromised with the dispute  and fought bravely.



   In turn of the Japanese attack,American  Air Force attacked on Japanese.Unfortunately  one of the friends died on the  battle field.

         This movie gave an ever lasting lesson  that if country  needs our services we should forgive all the disputes and difference.


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