Perfect Fruits for Fighting Gastritis

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Gastritis could be caused by several different things, especially an unsuitable lifestyle.  If you feel symptoms like vomiting, back pain, abdominal swelling, or chronic fatigue, you must see a doctor to give you professional recommendations and prescribe the appropriate medicine.

In this article, we’d like to discuss a few fruits that could be beneficial infighting gastritis and preventing those strong stomach pains, all of which stand out for their high levels of nutrients and fiber.

1. Pears


Thanks to the vitamins B1, B2, B3, A, and C, and the fiber contained in fruits, they are some of the most recommendable fruits for gastritis problems.  They regulate the nervous system and the digestive tract.

2. Papaya

This is one of the most important fruits for its content of vitamins B1, B2, A, and C.  It is rich in minerals like Magnesium, Iron, Sulfur, and Potassium and is one of the primary fruits that aids good digestion.  Additionally, it is also beneficial for the skin, hair, bones, and good immune system functioning.

Dice up a slice of papaya and add it to a blender wit ha glass of skim yogurt.  Blend for a few minutes and drink one glass after breakfast, lunch and dinner.  It is a treat!

3. Banana

Fresh bananas

Bananas are one of the fruits with the highest levels of fiber.  It is low in fats and proteins, is an excellent source of energy, and helps accelerate digestion, providing a slightly laxative effect.  It is also rich in zinc, which helps strengthen hair and fights hair loss.

If you suffer from gastritis, try to eat ripe bananas because consuming green bananas could be damaging to the stomach.

4. Coconut

Coconut stands out for its high levels of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and potassium.  Coconut is a great fruit for its fiber, which improves intestinal movement.  Just like bananas, it acts as a slight laxative that simply cleanses the body.

If you feel constantly heavy, we recommend consuming a glass of coconut water daily.

5. Peaches


This exquisitely sweet fruit has fairly health qualities, it acts as a diuretic and laxative.  It also contains vitamins A, C, and E, which help prevent illnesses like Alzheimer’s, cataracts and cancer.

It is rich in minerals like Potassium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium, which take part in good immune system functioning.  Because it is easily digested it helps the liver by improving the digestive process.

If you want to make a drink out of it to help with your gastritis, let’s get to work with this drink!


  • 2 Tbsp. peach leaves
  • 1 cup boiling water
  • Stir the leaves in the water for a few minutes, then cool and drink one cup, two or three times a day.

6. Apples

Due to a compound known as Pectin, when apples come into contact with water, they create a gel in the body that helps protect the intestines.  If you don’t have constipation, but rather diarrhea (because gastritis commonly manifests in two different ways), this fruit will absorb liquids, which solidifies feces.

As you can tell, these fruits can be very beneficial when fighting the discomforts related to gastritis.  It’s not recommendable to just consume one, change them from day to day so that you are much more comfortable.  You could also look for recipes that motivate you to eat more fruit and therefore improve your life quality.

So…which fruits do you consume regularly?