Personal Protective Equipment

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PPE mean Personal Protective Equipment. PPE puts a barrier between the workers and the hazard and is designed to prevent injury or illness from a specific hazard.

There Are Some PPE's.

  1. Hard helmet
  2. Safety glasses
  3. Safety shoes
  4. Gloves
  5. Respirator with filters
  6. Full Body Safety Harness


  1. Safe use and care of Helmets


  • Discard a shall that shower wear, Scratches or gouges and is dull in color.
  • Replace a suspension that appears damaged.
  • Working under sun heat an UV light can make the shell brittle.
  • Do not draw the chin strap over the brim or peak of the helmet.


2.  Safety Glasses


  • Safety glasses are perhaps the most widely used type of eye protection.
  • They may look similar to regular glasses, but are much stronger and more resistant to impact and heat.


3.   Safety Shoes


  • Steel toe boots have a protective reinforcement in the toe, and a sole plate, which protect the foot from falling object and from electric shock.


4.  Gloves


  • Various types provide protection to hand but never use those gloves which hinder the free movement of the user because it may cause accident.


5.   Respiratory Protection


  • Many air borne substance which are health hazard when inhaled cause serious lung deceases. This include breathing in dust caused by grinding and sanding, welding fumes, and chemical vapors from solvents and various gases.


  1. Full Body Safety Harness


  • Full body harness is worn while working at heights and in case of a fall, distributes the body weight forces and thus protect backbone from injuries.










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