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Factories that make cookies this Petai located in the area Bojong Koneng, Bandung. Every day the plant is capable of producing more than 20 thousand dozen cookies to be sent to all parts of Indonesia and abroad. The process of making cookies at the factory is still done manually by human power. At least there are more than 500 professional employees who do all the process of making these banana cookies. Starting from making the dough, print, cooking, up to the packaging.

first. Friends, petai used to be petai with good quality and free of worms. Then, the petai inserted into a blender and then blended. For those who like spicy, you can add red chili to taste. Furthermore, the petai that has been refined, cooked with a mixture of spices to the pan. Then the brown sugar and water are added. The mixture is cooked for about 20 minutes, until the water level is reduced and begins to thicken.

Ikan Asin Petai Jagung

Nasi Goreng Petai

The next stage is to prepare the dough cookies. Butter and egg yolk incorporated into the basin, and stir using a mixer until well blended. Then the Petai flour and spice mixture had been inserted and stirred again until blended. This time, stir it with their hands.

Once well blended, then the dough is placed on the table and crushed with a rolling pin. Dough surface must be completely flat with a thickness of approximately 1 cm. The next batter prints are printed with various shapes. Then the dough is already printed, arranged on the pan and ready for the oven. Eits, before the oven, the dough should be smeared egg yolk first so that the result is shiny. The dough is then put into oven for 10 to 20 minutes at a temperature of 150 ° Celsius. Once cooked, Petai cookies then compiled into the jar and ready to be shipped anywhere in Indonesia! Well, here's the result. Healthy cookies from Petai. Cookies native of Indonesia.

Based on the studies that have been done in America, Petai is known as 'The Most Horrible Food in the World' or the most horrible food in the world. This is because the Petai smell very pungent and unpleasant. However, behind the smell less pleasant, Petai has a high nutritional content, you know, like natural sugars (sucrose, fructose and glucose), proteins, carbohydrates and other essential minerals. Usefulness is also very good for health, such as reducing high blood pressure, prevent stroke, digestion, to increase concentration and reduce depression. amazing?

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