I spent the afternoon doing a "gig" today, which really means getting paid to play music with friends. Today's gig was for a town celebration in Byron CA, a really small farming community Southeast of the Bay Area.

We had a bass, two guitars, and a fiddle, and traded off singing duties. I played mostly guitar today (bass on a couple of songs). My friend Mike did most of the lead singing--I sang lead on two songs by John Prine, one by a blues band out of Chicago called the Siegel-Schwall Blues Band, and one that must be traditional--I got it off of an old Bryan Bowers album.

It was a really good time.

Photo credit: a friend (used by permission). This is a different crew than the one I was with today. I don't have a picture of the "Hillbilly Buzzards," the name we used for today's gig.