Powerful Ways To Treat Acne stubborn

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Acne can make us insecure. Besides acne usually too sore and a little itch that makes us want to touch and scratch that will eventually cause damage in our face. You certainly do not want that to happen right? nah, therefore here mimin want to give tips to overcome them. Ok just, please consider some tips to treat acne following:




1. Maintaining Skin Health
Acne is caused by excessive Minya and bad bacteria found on the skin surface, therefore maintaining the cleanliness of the facial skin is very important to prevent the occurrence of acne. Get used to wash your face at least 3 times a day. But if for you are a Muslim, maybe it will not feel heavy as this can be done while ablution so we can clean the face 5 times a day.

2. Consume Garlic
Although sometimes not everyone likes the onion, garlic but it can be utilized to destroy the bad bacteria in the pores of the skin that cause acne. Oh yes, in addition, garlic also works to increase the body's immune system and skin.

3. Soak under the Sun
Bask under the sun dinar at around 7-9 in the morning can help overcome the stubborn acne because it can mengeluarka toxins through the sweat that comes out through the pores of the skin.


4. Exercising Regularly
Exercise is very beneficial to our health, including skin health. This is similar to bask under the sun, with the exercise then all ayang toxins in our bodies will be issued in conjunction with the sweat that comes out of our skin. In addition exercise can also burn the fat in our body.

5. Reduce or even avoid too Night Sleep
Often sleeping too late can also be a cause of acne, because the air at night is very dangerous for the skin. So try to sleep a maximum of 9 hours ayau 10 hours.

6. Wear Lime / Lemon and Tomato
Well, for this way you also probably already know. The trick grab ipis orange / lemon, then split a lemon / tomato is and instigation on your skin. Do this regularly in order to get maximum results. Besides being able to eliminate the acne, using this method can also help smooth the skin

7. Wash Face With Warm Water
Maybe this can be an alternative way to deal with acne. Quite easy, we just need to membersikah face with warm water on a regular basis, it would be great if done 3 times a day. Morning, noon, and night before you sleep.


8. Maintain Diet
Well, this may be the cause of acne, because we do not know how to manage your diet. So I suggest that you reduce eating foods made from beans such as chocolate and so on.

9. Expand Drinking Water
The last way is indeed simple, but remember do not ever underestimate kasiatnya, because water has a lot of benefits.

About the author


Hello,my name is Gungputri I love to learn some thing new in my life to get more experiences

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