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What comes to your mind when you hear about Brothel ? and what do you about Prostitute. A dismal image thus starts forming, the image of a woman that according to you is unacceptable in the said ‘cultured’ society as she chose to trade her body for money, because she chose survival over death. Many of us might not have even seen a brothel or don’t even want to know what one might look like, what we forget that even in those unlit roads, the underbelly of the town where the assumed scum of the earth resides, there are people(people because even men and transgender are part of this culture), people who were forced into the squalid zones of agony, people who are serving the society in unfathomable ways, people who are actually people with real emotions. The sad part is they seem like bird cages, what makes it worse is that they are not. Nobody ever chooses desolation. Nobody ever chooses.

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image source google image


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hi my self tarn, belong to India

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