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"Let Muslims rise above ignorance and bigotry in the blessed month of Ramadan"
Let the right wing Islamophobes of Holland publish all the hate and racism they can and even go as low as putting it on TV!!!
This evil does not establish "Free Speech" but establishes "Open Season" on Islam and Muslims and the "Right to Openly Hate". Almighty Allah has blessed us with fasting and self control. Do not react to this provocation but rise above them. This will only increase our reward.Let us teach our growing young community, the people of the future, balanced, strong Islamic beliefs and true manhood and womanhood. 
Every time we confirm the teachings of the Prophets and "live our faith", we stab a dagger into the heart of immorality and corruption. They cannot stop us now, look at how many Muslims are maturing in Europe and the rest of the world! Look at the beauty of our masjids even in Holland itself. 
Here is a Rotterdam (The Netherlands) masjid, SubhaanAllah.

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