Random Note Taking 101

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Every one of us has our own way of doing things when it comes to writing and picking the topics that hit us as being worth writing about.

It's not always a pretty process.

I'm a note taker. I walk around all day and jot down whatever strikes me as important, or at least, funny.

They are usually one sentence lines and less than six words, typically. I just assume that I will remember whatever it is that was important about it -- sometimes a year later. This doesn't always work.

Still, I have pages and pages of them.

To start my hopefully long journey at this site - I'm going to randomly pick one line at a time and try to make something out of it. Or, just make fun of not remembering what I was thinking in the first place.

That said, I would love to know what the rest of you do. What is your process? Are you a note taker? Are you a person that gets a thought and immediately has to find a computer and write it out? Are you so well organized that you just make a mental note? Or, are you like me with dozens of pieces of paper/napkins/texts to yourself/empty envelopes with a couple of words chicken-scratched on them?

I want to know.