Reason to Drink lemon water in the morning ..

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Aids in Digestion

Not only does the warm water help to stimulate the GI tract, but the lemons are believed to stimulate and purify the liver. It also helps digestive acids with digestion and elimination. 

Supports Immune Function

Citrus fruits like lemon are high in vitamin C and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C can help fight colds and and the ascorbic acid helps iron absorption which also plays a role in immune function. 

Alkalizes the Body

If your body is in a chronic pH imbalance, it's susceptible to disease. Even though lemons seem acidic, they are extremely alkalizing and a great way to ensure your pH balance is where it should be especially if your diet is heavy in meat, cheese and/or alcohol. 

Helps Detox

Lemon water is a natural diuretic, which means it helps your body flush liquid and toxins along with it. The citric acid can also help maximize enzymes which stimulates the liver. 

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