Reduce Skin Wrinkles

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Reduce Wrinkles


Today wrinkles is one of the problem faced by major women. But it can be reduced by some easy steps and care. I will tell you some secrets of reducing it.

  1. Do not Smoke: A research says that smoking ages skin.
  2. Get Satisfactory Sleep:  If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces a hormone in excess called coristol which break downs skin cells.
  3. Eat Salmon : Salmon is a great source of protein of the building blocks of beautiful skin and it contains Omega 3 it helps to nourish your skin and it also keeps it youthful.
  4. Avoid Sun: Avoid sun and always wear sun screens.
  5. Do not over Wash: Don’t over wash your face as it strips skin of its natural moisture that protect skin against wrinkles
  6. Eat vegetables & Fruit: Fruits contains antioxidant compound, which fight damages cause by unstable molecules. And make your skin look younger
  7. Consume Vitamin C: Consume Vitamin C as much as you can coz it protect your skin from damage cause by UVA and UVB rays.
  8. Us Moisturizer: Moist face looks better and creases are not noticeable
  9. Say No to Coffee and Yes to Cocoa : Avoid drinking coffee as it contains nicotine and Cocoa contains  epicatchin and catechin improve circulation to skin cells and make your skin look and smoother

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