RITOT is the first projection watch that is on Crowndfunding buy yours before the time ends

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Meet the RITOT the first projection watch that is on crowndfunding at indiegogo.


RITOT is a project isnpired in the new technologies that are mobile and embedded is a wearable bracelet that tke use of image sensor, bluetooth with a DLC matrix projector, a battery charger controller, accelerometer sensors and is a new device to be used night and daytime.




RITOT will make you stay on the top notifications with messages and alerts:

Incoming ID calls


Calendar Alerts

Facebook messages

Text messages


Text messages

Notifications from other Applications


Is out not at Indiegogo and these Crowndfunding its gonna close on 59 hs so hurry up and go buy your first projection Watch here:


About the author


I am an Electronic Engineer, I have strong skills on program games and doing animations and Im a keyboard music composer too. Im always in the search of the best way to show something new for the audiences and Im living in Brazil so it is an oportunity too, to…

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