Robin Williams Dies at Age 63

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At the early hours of this morning, when my husband got up around 5 am to get ready to go to work, my mobile kept buzzing continuously. The reason for this was because news was being passed around on Facebook of Robin Williams' death.
The news of Robin Williams' death has obviously shocked many fans including myself. The well known actor who played some great roles in so many movies like Mrs Doubtfire, Goodwill Hunting, Jumanji, Flubber, Awakenings, Night at the Museum and many more, was found dead of a suspected suicide. Apparently, he was suffering from depression according to what I have read online.

I know he will be missed, as he still had some good years left in him to make many more movies, so this saddens me to know that he is now gone.

R.I.P. Robin Williams. You will be greatly missed.