Should I repent on my sins now?

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What a bad girl! What a question! Haha of course Mich you should. Lol. I have gone anxious after reading post of &boojoy about “Tetrad” the blood moon and the “last days”. I don’t read Bible these days but I did when I was in grade school and I did read it. I guess I should start reading it again, and I should start on the Acts (so I will grow more anxious?) lol. Anyway we remember the 2012 END OF THE WORLD THING right? Was it December 12 or December 21? We should be still thankful that God extended our days more.

Whew what am I talking about here? Really. It’s like I’m gonna freak out. I am sort of a materialistic worldly girl (because I am most of the times materialistic). But of course I know time is passing. This morning my friend Lee ask me if I want to go with her on the church in their place but I woke up like 10:30 am and when I text her I said next time.
I really should start now repenting on my sins. The question is how? I guess for me to find out I need to go to that church thing and of course read the bible and that book the greatest love by which I forgot the author. I actually can’t see it right now.