Siddhartha to Buddha…

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We are all well known about lord Buddha got enlightenment under Bodhi tree. But the motivating factor behind Buddha was a squirrel.

Yes, Siddhartha left all the things and went to forest for enlightenment. He did lot of meditation to get enlightenment but he never gets anything and planned to move to kingdom.

At that time he saw a squirrel, it dip its tail in the small pond and come to land and rolling in the grass. Again it jumps into the water then rolling in grass.


Siddhartha asked the squirrel, what are you doing? It replied I’m going to make empty the pond by my tail. Siddhartha laughed and asked the squirrel that when you will be complete this? & Do you think is it possible?

It replied that I don’t know whether I complete or not. But I know one thing, I will try my whole life.

After this conversation Siddhartha took inspiration and he changed his mindset that whether I will get enlightenment or not, but I will try.

Then only he sat under the Bodhi tree and he got enlightenment, then he was called by the name BUDDHA.


This is how the name transferred from Siddhartha to Lord Buddha.

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