Simple Salad of Watermelon.

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Simple Salad of Watermelon with basil and feta.

Salad  is very good in summer. It is light food  and easily digestable. so must try it............





Water melon, cut in cubes,

3/4 small basil leaves,

Maldot salt,

Black pepper,

10 ounces feta,

1/4 red onion,

1tbsp vinegar ,

3 tbsp olive oil,

Sea salt ,





Recipe .


Take a bowl and put the vinegar , olive oil, champagne, and a little drizzle of honey.


Now mix salt , pepper, to make it tasty. Toss the onion into dressing aside.


For salad cut watermelon cubes. Drizzles champagne and vinaigrette onion on the top of watermelon . Sprinkle salt as desired.


Now crumble feta on top , decorate small basil leaves near around, now put again vinaigrette , onion on the top of feta and basil. In the last put some salt and black pepper. ….




Best of luck …..


Simmer khan 's Blog.

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