Sleep Benefits

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Sleep is the body literal activity it must be done every day because it helps various organs of the body to be back in shape after  long day.After a day of activity,rest the body of work of various organs of the body that come to work hard all day.A person may not be able to keep working without a break,because we need a recovery time of the body to be refreshed is sleeping.Out line the benefits of sleep is to the recovery of the body and a variety of other health conditions.


Sleep can be defined circumstances in which a person is unconscious and can wake by gunangan or sound stimulation.Sleep is not just a condition that some times occurs,but minimal activity and with varying levels of awareness in each individual.

So in essence, to sleep as well as dining needs are indeed occur in humans and other living beings

  • The Benefits Of Sleep In general

Regeneration helps cells at bed time,the cells in the body occurs replacement of cells that have been damaged with a new one.Sleep optimize the work of cells in the body.

Concentration and memory increases-vatigue due to work activities all day can reduce concentration and therefore needed to sleep for clicking to rest.And during sleep growth harmonies work.

The activities you do when you  awake earlier can be maintained by to brain.Lowering blood pressure study showed symptoms of heart deasease,stroke and even symptoms of diabetes can be avoided with a good night's sleep, for six hours per day in adults.

Lowering stress-People who sleep less,sometimes less control in all day.Because the body is still feeling leth that accumulate from previous activities.

About the author


Hello,my name is Gungputri I love to learn some thing new in my life to get more experiences

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