smoking effect on human body

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Nicotine is a addictive drug in a tobacco smoke that causes smokers that continue to smoke..addicted smokers needs nicotine over the day to feel normal relax to satisfy and control their mood...


Effects of smoking on the respiratory system..

The effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system..

  • Reduced our lungs function and breathlessness due to swellings and narrowing our lungs airway and excess in the lunges passages...
  • permanent damage to the air of the lungs.

Effects of smoking on the sexual organs 

  • Lower sperm count
  • Higher percentage of deformed sperm
  • Genetic damage to sperm


Other effects of smoking on our body

  • Reduced ability to smell and test 
  • Higher risk of blindness 
  • premature wrinkles of the skin
  • Increased risk of painful ulcers along the digestive track 

Diseases or effects caused by long term smoking

  • Cancer of the lunges,mouth, nose ,tongue,nasal sinus,throat,pancreas.
  • Osteoporosis and hip fracture

Where to get help

  • Your doctor 
  • Your pharmacist





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