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smoking is injurious to health.Its a fact that it causes cancer and lungs disorder.

smoking is a practice in which the substance is burned and the smoke by taking the breath in goes into the bloodstreams of a persons body.most commonly the substance that is leaves of the tobacco plant which have been rolled into a small square of rice paper to create a small round cylinder called cigarette.


The history of smoking is way back 5000 BC in Shanistic rituals.Many ancient civilizations such as chinese and indians they use to burnt the incense as the part of religious rituals.


Smoking in America probably had its origin incense-burning ceremonies of shamans but was later adopted for pleasure or as social tool.

The smoking of tobacco as well as different drugs atre used to achieve trances and to come into the contactwith the spirit world.


In 19th century the practice of smoking became common.Opium(is obtained from opium tree that contains approximately 12% of morphine which is chemically processed to produce Heroin and other synthetic drugs used in medical termonologies).Here is the image of morphine.


A massive increase in opium smoking in china.In later 19th century opium smoking is popular in artistic community in Europe,especially in Paris and neighbouhoods became virtual "Opium" capitals


With the modernization of cigarettes production compounded with increase  of demand and supply.It became the part of the culture in 1920s.aderse health effects began to become more prevalent.


Smoking is one the leading causes of preventable deaths.In US about 500,000

deaths per year are attributed to smoking related diseases.Atleast half of all life long smokers die earlier as result of smoking.The risk of dying from lung cancer before age 85 is 22.1%for a male smoker and 11.9%for female smoker.

smoking one cigarette a day result in a risk of heart disease that is halfway between that of a smoker and a non-smoker.

Among the diseases that can be caused by smoking are lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.Many governments are trying to deter people from smoking with anti smoking campaings in mass media stressing the harmful effects of smoking.


The idea behind this is to discourge the smoking by making it more inconvinient.

To stop harmful smoke being present in enclosed public spaces.

The should be produced to discourge the smoking and it is fully enforced they should have to pass the law for the selling brands of tobacco products against underage customers.

Many developing countries have not adopted the anti-smoking policies and further din't adopt the education to explain the effects of smoking.

In short smoking is bad habit which is not only the wastage of time but also the wastage of money and God gifted health.


                                                      STAY OUT OF SMOKE AND SMOKERS 

                                                           SAY NO TO CIGARETTES LEAD A HAPPY LIFE FOREVER

About the author


i'm a student and a fan of bitlanders

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