Some Ideas on Writing Reviews and How it Should Be Done

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Usually, when I have watched a movie, I write about it. I think this is a great idea, as it gives you something to write about here on Bubblews.

When I write a movie review, I just give details of what the movie was about and then I give my thoughts on it, such as, giving my own opinion on whether the movie was successful or not. I then rate the movie out of ten marks.

Writing reviews on anything is a great way to write about something you have seen, witnessed or used recently. Be informative and insightful when writing a review. Keep it real and be respectful of whatever you are reviewing. Tell the truth about how you felt about it. Be creative and have fun writing it. Above all, be yourself when writing it.

You can write a review on anything really. Here are a few ideas on what you can give a review on:

1. A movie you have recently seen.
2. A book you have recently read.
3. A theatre performance like a musical or play you have seen recently.
4. A live concert you have recently been to see.
5. A product you have used.
6. A website.
7. A game you have played.
8. A travel review or a place you have visited recently for a short break or a holiday location.
9. A hotel review.
10. A restaurant review.
11. A review of a television show.

If you can think of anything else that you can write a review on, then list it in the comments box. Do you write reviews? What have reviewed lately?