Sony Hackers Threaten 9/11 Type Attack at Theaters Showing 'The Interview' Movie

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The massive hacking attack against Sony Pictures Entertainment has yet exposed about 200 gigabytes of confidential data belonging to the company from upcoming movie scripts to sensitive employees data, celebrities phone numbers and their travel aliases, and also the high-quality versions of five newest films, marking it as the most severe hack in the History.
Now, the so-called "Guardians of Peace" (GoP) group who promised to release a big "Christmas gift" for Sony Pictures posted an eighth batch of documents to the Internet on Tuesday of what everyone in Hollywood has been waiting for — Thousands of personal emails stolen from Sony Pictures co-Chairman and CEO Michael Lynton.
The personal emails released just one day after Michael Lynton convened a town-hall meeting for Sonyemployees in the wake of the company’s widespread data breach and proclaimed, "Our business has a strong foundation… This won’t take us down."
Along with Linton’s emails, the hackers posted a disturbing warning to people who plans to watch the Sony Pictures film "The Interview" — the Seth Rogen and James Franco-starring comedy centered around a TV host and his producer assassinating North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, which first appeared to be the root cause of the cyber mishap.

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