St. Vincent and the Grenadines

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The largest development project ever undertaken in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, the new $240 million Argyle International Airport will open this year, offering nonstop jet service from North America and Europe to the 32-island nation dotting the Lesser Antilles between St. Lucia and Grenada. Travelers traditionally come to scuba dive or snorkel the island chain’s reefs, and the private island resort of Petit St. Vincent just added a new dive center run by the marine conservationist Jean-Michel Cousteau, with plans to lobby for a marine preserve nearby. Palm Island Resort manages to preserve the peace for which travelers come and serve social needs with a new weekly Silent Cinema night on the beach (guests watch a movie projected on a big screen while listening via wireless headphones) and a Silent Disco dance party held monthly on the shore.

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Mashiur Rahman, Post: Dhantbhnaga, P.S: Rowmari, Dist: Kurigram, Bangladesh.

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