Study shows pandas are the laziest type of bear

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A recent study concluded that the chubby, adorable giant ‪#‎panda‬ breed is the laziest type of all bears due to their extremely low metabolism, according to the Journal Science.

Conducted by researchers in China and the UK's University of Aberdeen, the study was based on the samples collected from five captive pandas at Beijing Zoo and three wild ones at Foping Nature Reserve in Shaanxi Province.

The researchers found that the wild pandas rest for more than half of any given day. When they do move it is at a rate of 20 meters per hour. This means that the pandas only consume 38 percent of their daily energy. Compared to other bears they are considered to be far less active.

The study suggests that the reason why pandas have such a low metabolism is the fact that they boast extremely low levels of thyroid hormones, most likely due to a mutation in a gene called DUOX2, which is involved in thyroid hormone synthesis.

The thyroid hormones are important for regulating body weight and energy, and low levels can lead to sluggishness.

Pandas also have a relatively smaller brain, liver and kidneys compared to other bears and its thick fur also prevents its body heat from running off.

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