Suicide..! Pls say nooo......

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                            We should not control our feelings and emotions. If we keep sit and brood over the problem it will increase the thought of suicide higher, to come out from those thoughts we need to concentrate and engage in some work also always we need to think positively. To deviate suicide inducing thought from us, we can listen to music, can read some books. Reading interesting, inspiring book and strengthening literature helps a lot.



                We need to write down our problem and pain in a book also sharing those problem with whom we are comfortable with will helps us to an extern. Also sharing problems with elders and proper counseling will help a lot. If we visit once in a while to some holy places and ashrams will help us to feel relaxed.

            Finally, we need to confident enough to face the challenges in our life. Destroying oneself is not the solution for any problem.


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