Sweet Potatoes

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Sweet potatoes are loaded with vitamin A, which is important for vision as well as skin, nail, and hair health. It also helps the body fend off bacterial infections. The orange veggie is also high in potassium, which helps heart and kidney function and facilitates muscle contractions. Potassium also regulates blood pressure and keeps body fluids in balance. Vitamin C is also found in high levels in this vegetable. Vitamin C promotes healing and helps the body fight infection; it also keeps blood vessel walls and gums healthy. Sweet potatoes contain calcium as well, which helps build strong bones and teeth and is necessary for healthy muscle and nerve functions. Vitamin B6, which helps the body metabolize carbohydrates and proteins, is also found in high levels in sweet potatoes. Vitamin B6 also promotes healthy nerves and helps the body form red blood cells. Sweet potatoes are good sources of fiber, copper, and many other vitamins and minerals. In addition, sweet potatoes are low in calories, are fat-free, and have a low glycemic load, meaning they are digested slowly (making the consumer feel fuller for longer). Sweet Potatoes are delicious when baked and eaten plain (without butter). They can also be used in soups and stir-fries.

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I'm cherry refamonte rubio, simple person i love to explore anything,

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