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Synesthesia is a rare phenomenon that occurs from a change in the X chromosome that is inherited, although parents are not present such a condition may wake up in the son, inherited the son of the opposite sex is ie, the mother inherits son and dad to the daugther. But it should be clarified that it is a condition, far from an illness.

SIN means union and ASTESIA, feeling

It is an experience that connects, or entangles senses. It takes you to appreciate the reality with the senses found. Gustav Fechner was who first diagnosed in 1812 synesthesia.

The synesthesic people, hear colors, smell the words, feel the flavors, etc. But it is not just a feeling, but actually your senses awaken in each case with another. This condition occurs in approximately 4% of the population, but is predominant in the artists, for they seeking expesar their sensations and feelings, are doubly rewarding.

But in other areas also is present. The physicist Richard Feynman, who sees the letters as colors and whose equations of quantum interactions display earned him the Nobel Prize. Synesthesia also gets people to visualize ways. We have shaped the sound.

One of the common exercises is: Who is Buba and who is Kiki?

Many artists told have had that power, musicians persiven colors with each note and although not everyone sees color mime, has been able to generalize the colors of each note.

Do (C) is yellow, Re (D) is red, Mi (E) is purple, Fa (F) is green, Sol (G) is orange, La (A) is carmine and SI (B) is green. The sensations that transmit the colors are similar to those of sounds, for example, note La (A) is a romantic and sensual sound like the crimson color.

Although it is a positive capability, it can also present conflicts in the synesthesic people, it is rare to hear someone say that the red smells like vanilla or yellow sounds like that song fashion. In addition to interfering with the logical learning as letters and colors have a certain color and for example to add 5 that is red plus 3 that is yellow resulting 6 that is orange.

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