TAHU Indonesian food

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Tofu is a food made from freshly precipitated soy beans undergo coagulation. Know comes from China, as well as soy sauce, tauco, Steamed Bun, and meatballs. The name "Tahu" the uptake of Hokkien (tauhu) (Hanzi: 豆腐, hanyu pinyin: doufu), which literally means "fermented soybeans". tahu has been known in China since the Han dynasty around 2200 years ago. The inventor is Liu An (Hanzi: 劉 安) which is a noble, granddaughter of Emperor Han Gaozu, Liu Bang who founded the Han dynasty.

Version Tahu it is known in Japan is tofu. Tofu is softer and less resistant to treatment. Tofu and tofu brought by Chinese immigrants to the whole world that spread to East Asia and Southeast Asia, and also eventually to the whole world.




Tahu in Indonesia

Tahu has experienced indigenization in Indonesia so it appears many variants out and snacks made out. The outside view out there that are white or yellow. Because of the popularity, Tahu to be part and parcel of places to eat various social levels in Indonesia, together with tempeh.

In Kediri out yellow to typical food. Tahu this is known as Tahu Takua. Another place that is associated with the idea is Sumedang (Tahu Sumedang).
Tahu bolsters, a hawker based out of Surakarta.

Tahu still associated with bean curd and douhua (also referred to as "bean curd") by way of preparation.

Meals involving Tahu among other things, marinated tofu, tofu meatballs, tofu mix, tofu around, Tahu the contents (see bunting), meatball know, and crackers know, know pedes, know krispi. Fried tofu are usually served to accompany the liquid fry food, such as noodles meatballs and soup; or batagor. Dumplings, one of dimsum, also used as a component Tahu steamed.




Yellow Tahu.




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