Teachers Make Or Break a Subject

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One thing that I can say during my school years was that there were many teachers that had an influence on me. Some of them were good influences and some might be remembered for all of the wrong reasons.

I will say that there were a few subjects where my interest of them depended on how well the teacher taught them. A good teacher who is able to explain the material in a way that anyone can understand it will make a subject.

A teacher who might not be that equipped to teach can make even the best student struggle. There were teachers that I thought were under-appreciated because they really did make sure their students learned the subject and it didn't seem like torture.

Then there were teachers who obviously didn't have any joy and passion. Maybe at one time they did. That's the thing, you have to have passion because that will trickle on down to your students.

Still, I like to salute those teachers that made those subjects more seamless to learn. It's been a long time but some of them still stick out in my mind. For good reasons, I can assure you. And unfortunately there's a couple who stick out in my mind for not so good reason.

Appreciate a good teacher. Sometimes they seem like a dying breed. Education is important and teachers help inspire us.