Technical reports tells you nothing

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There are these technical analysts who issue reports about the price trends for crypto coins.  The reports are all thinly veiled adaptions on the same story.   The story is that the price of the coin might go up, or it might go down.  If it goes up, there is a possibility it will hit an even higher level after that.  If it goes down, there is a possibility that it will hit an even lower level after that.  In some ways, these technical reports are like weather reports, that give you percentages, and tell you might get good weather, or you might get bad.

The technical report might be compared to a sports cast.  Like a sports team, the coin is going to win or lose.  As with sports, any fool can see that the coin will either go up or down.

What I like is this strange technical language by which the technical analyst, like a sports caster, tries to create drama and excitement where there is nothing important going on.  Bottom line is that the reports convey no important information.  They are entertainment blurbs written for crypto enthusiast who need a little drama for otherwise dry trend information.  

What I don't get is why nobody else has pointed out that these stories serve no purpose other than entertainment.  Maybe, its because our entire sense of what is news has been lost, because of the garbage that the major networks put out as if it was news.  A bomb could be landing on a children's hospital in Afghanistan, but our news will report instead that a fireman helped an old woman get a cat out of a tree.  Maybe the cat bit the fireman in the process, so the news article will show the mayor pinning a metal on the fireman for his bravery.  All this while dying children with third degree burns cry out in pain, with not one reporter on the scene to inform the world.  

No doubt, the idiot beat of stories about celebrities- stories which could be justifiably be called pornography for women renders these technical reports high quality by comparison.   But the truth is that attraction to watching sports, reading about celebrity lives, or reading a weirdly dramatized description of a line graph is a kind of depraved escapism designed to avoid any kind of encounter with the truth.

So, I won't be reading any more technical analysis.  I already know that the price of the coin will either go up, or it will go down.  



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