Termite Queen

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OK, prepare your “Disgust Face” because you’re going to be needing it when you catch sight of the wobbling sack of horror that is the queen termite. See that giant rippling bag of nightmare fuel she carries around? That’s an egg-producing factory.

Sat in her chamber in the middle of a termite nest, which is usually a large mound of rock or mud, she produces up to 30,000 eggs a day, around 165 million in her 45 year lifespan. As she lies there in the colony, swollen and unable to move, she’s fed by the workers while the king services her other needs.

Puke. In. Mouth. But don’t listen to me, you can hear the master of all things nature David Attenborough talk about them. Fascinating creatures, no doubt, but not so pleasant on the eye

About the author


Worrying is a waste of time. Good and bad things happen in life, you just have to keep living and not stress over what you can't control.

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