The Invader and the conqueror – a short poem

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Two people using iPhones

An invasion from the skies –  

Houses trapped with luminous lines;

Holds court everywhere, that invader

Minds and eyes riveted on that enchanter.


Zee, Sun, Star, ATV, MTV – et al –

These with its battalions stand tall,

Ahoy! The idiot box is opulent

Like flowers in April luxuriant,


An invasion from the skies –

Is it December? How time flies!

The garden is a wall of weeds.

The fence for repair pleads;


Alas! The elderly Homer is dead;

Are my friends already in bed?

The stars, do they twinkle –

Or am I a Rip Van Winkle?


An invasion from the skies –

My heart for freedom cries,

Freedom from a deceptive wizard

Who made me a couch lizard.


I shall conquer the invader

With a strong soul – the heart’s rudder;

What bliss to work and play

Than watch an illusion all day.

About the author