The New Year

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Well the new year is approaching fast, and I really feel like this year is going to be a good one. 

I have done so many new things this year already which I will be caring forward into the new year such as my work with the amazing  Elliott Johns, under the company name First Reunion. We will be shooting a new video at the very start of the new year, so we will be entering the new year with a bang. 

As well as this, I plan on developing my skills as a camera op and a camera assist. I will be trying new things, shooting in different styles, using as many different cameras as I can, and generaly becoming better at what I want to do.

I have a non-fiction film to do this semester at uni and I am looking forward to this, because I have no idea what I am going to do for it, so it will be fun trying to come up with a good idea.

I really want to excel this year, so I will be trying to enter as many festivals as I can, and applying for as much work experience as I can. I want to develop as a filmmaker and as a person and I feel this will benefit me the most. 

I will be restarting all of my photography as well, and I will try and keep on top of uploading it to my flickr account and on here for you guys to see.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and I hope you all have fun.

Thanks for reading 

About the author


My name is Dominic Mathewson and I am a young film maker.

My aim is to challenge boundaries and share stories that I feel need to be shared.

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