The Oscars and Rewarding All Professionals of the Film Industry

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As the awards season ends, I came to wonder what professionals of the film industry aim for: recognition from the audience, from friends and family, from their peers? An academy award? If you are a filmmaker, I would love to have your thoughts and answers about that!

Some professionals were rewarded yesterday at the Oscars in categories that most of us usually ignore or don't pay attention to: achievement in costumes, best original score, best adapted screenplay. On-screen stars usually get all the attention.

Do the make-up artists and the production designers only have the Awards to be recognized by the public? Don't they have their role to play in a movie? How would 'Alice in Wonderland' have looked like without Johnny Depp's insane make-up?

Yes we did have to wait for the end of the ceremony to watch 'The King's Speech' cast and crew win, but we also (re)realized that, for a movie to be made, it takes a lot more than some actors and a filmmaker to direct them. Loving movies is also knowing how they are made, by whom, where and how.

So congratulations to all the Oscars' Winners, the well-known faces and the others, who contribute every day to make us escape reality for a couple of hours.

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