The Other Side

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I was born in Redhill, Surrey in 1994. I lived in the UK for only two more weeks before my mother and I flew out to Hong Kong I would spend the next 17 years. You see, my Dad had been offered a job for a Pacific airline company whose headquarters were based in Hong Kong, so naturally we moved their permanently and became national residents. This was difficult for my parents because they had to leave their families behind and travel halfway across the world to reach their destination. However, to me, it was the best decision they ever made.

I was raised in a small housing estate in the Hong Kong countryside, if you could call it that. Instead of long fields and tall trees we have large dark forests, small islands and beaches. Most people are turned off by the idea of living in a foreign country but it seemed so normal. I was an expat and to me this was life and nothing was strange about it. But having come to the UK, people reacted in such a way that it made me feel like I was some exotic animal.

Having lived in HK my entire life, the transition to the UK was really interesting and strange. Just a short 12 hour flight and I would enter a land with different culture and a different way of living. Now having lived in the UK for almost a year now apart from the odd holiday trip back home; i can say that i am truly blessed to have two co-existing lives. The way I am in HK is completely different to who i am in England. This makes me reflect on the potential of  filming in Hong Kong and having people in England view it. The difference in culture and the vibrant location would really attract the eye of many an audience who will see this as foreign work. Nowadays so many young filmmakers are looking to other countries for new ideas. This is because the creative mindset for someone in one country will be completely be different to someone else's in another. For instance we have Greek sculptures, French architecture, Italian Food, Japanese Technology and German Cars. All these ideas were different to other countries and so they labeled them as their own style. Food is different in other countries because of surrounding resources and style. So you see the point i'm making? The films that i could make in Hong Kong would be something new to the british eye and because i'm taking advantage of my "two lives" it will be a great niche market that i can take advantage of and i implore anyone who is in the same boat to do the same!

I will be uploading some videos soon of some of my previous work and I shall be releasing my first Hong Kong culture video after christmas.

About the author


My name is Daniel Barwell, I am currently studying Film Production at Staffordshire University in the UK. Having lived in Hong Kong all my life prior to coming to England to study made me realise the vibrancy and character of asian culture. I have a large passion for film and…

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