The Road to Easy Street......

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#30 John Madden on Getting to Easy Street

The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer.” ~John Madden

“The road to Easy Street goes through the sewer.” ~John Madden | Tweet this

It’s often enticing to dream of Easy Street as having finally made it. But Madden reminds that it’s no picnic getting there, and you have to pay your dues. Things do become easier, but you may have to put up with a lot of stinky situations before getting there. Most people will give up before getting there, and spend too much time in the sewer, thinking that Easy Street is just a pipe dream. But the unpleasant parts are just a way of weeding out those that really want the prize from those that only talk about wanting it.


About the author


I'm a work from home grandmother, blogger and freelance writer i'm owned by several cats, 2 dogs and a parrot.

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