The saddest goodbye

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All of us hates goodbyes, we hated how does the pain of separation occurs to us.

We hate the thought of not seeing our loved ones. We hate that feeling knowing that we wouldn't be there for them and they won't be there for us when we needed them physically.

But do you know what is the saddest goodbye?

The saddest goodbye is the one that has not been said. When someone left us with no words at all, without knowing the reason at all.

This kind of goodbye makes us questioned a lot of things. And I also wonder why people had to do that to other people. I wanna know their reason and their side.

About how can they leave someone in such a painful way.

About the author


Worrying is a waste of time. Good and bad things happen in life, you just have to keep living and not stress over what you can't control.

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