The Secret To The World

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NOTE: READ from start to end.
CREDIT TO: The Secret, Rhonda Byrne, and other names on this article
JOHN CANFIELD. Mother Teresa was brilliant. She said, “I will never attend an anti-war rally. If you have a peace rally. Invite me. She knew. She understood. Look what she manifested in the world.

HALE DWOSKIN. So if you’re an anti-war, be pro-peace instead. If you’re anti-hunger, be pro-people having more than enough to eat. If you are anti-a-particular politician, be pro-his-opponent. Often elections are tipped in favour of the person that the people are really against, because he’s getting all the energy and all the focus.
Everything in this world began with one thought. The bigger things get bigger because more people give their thoughts to it after it has appeared. Then those thoughts and emotions keep that very event in our existence, and make it bigger. If we took our minds off it and focus instead on love, it could not exist. It would evaporate and disappear.
JACK CANFIELD. It’s OK to notice what you don’t want, because it gives you contrast to say, “this is what I do want.” But the fact is, the more you talk about what you don’t want, or talk about how bad it is, read about that all the time, and then say how terrible it is-well, you’re creating more of that. You cannot help the world by focusing on the negative things. As you focus on the negative events of the world, you not only add to them, but you bring more negative things into your own life at the same time.
JAMES RAY. So many times people say to me, “Well, James, I have to be informed,” Maybe you have to be informed, but you don’t have to be inundated.
------------------my note/review
Same as Mr. Canfield, that’s why I don’t wanna watch news as well since I hear bad things on it most of the time, I can still hear it though but if it will just make me upset and get affected by it I rather not. Like Mr. Ray said we have to be informed but we don’t have to be inundated. Inundated means, as I searched it in my English dictionary app on my tablet, it means 2. Overwhelm. So we don’t have to be inundated with the news. We just have to be informed. If we are not going to be overwhelmed with it, we don’t contribute more negative things to the world or anything to add up to happen to the world, same as they said, we don’t bring negative things in our life as well.