The smell of Coffee

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Did you know that The smell of coffee reduces the stress caused by sleep deprivation and

Do you know that the smell of coffee alone can reduce the stress that you’re experiencing from sleep deprivation? That’s right – the aroma coming out of a cup of fresh coffee has magical powers.


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Without coffee we can get cranky, edgy, over-emotional, grumpy, and really, really stressed out. But according to some researchers, we don’t need to actually drink this beverage in order to relieve stress – all we need to do is simply sniff the smell coming out of our cup of fresh and hot coffee in the morning.
It’s not a secret that sleep deprivation can cause severe stress. And it’s not a secret that sometimes we really need that mug of hot energy shot in order to start our day. But what’s interesting here is the fact that the aroma of our beloved coffee can actually do wonders, because it can reduce the stress we’re experiencing from not getting enough sleep. The studies, which showed these results, were carried out on lab mice, which were intentionally deprived of sleep. One part of the mice was subjected to the aroma of fresh coffee, while the other part wasn’t given the opportunity to sniff on coffee.

The results showed that those mice, who were subjected to the smell of fresh coffee, underwent slight modifications of those genes in the brain, which are responsible for protecting the brain’s nerve cells from experiencing stress related cell damage. In other words, the genes in the brain reacted to the smell of coffee in such a way that they relieved the stress caused by sleep deprivation in the mice. These results show that the aroma of fresh coffee can have the very same effects on people as well. So, the next time you make yourself a nice cup of coffee in the morning take in the aroma before you start drinking the beverage – it will help you relieve some of that stress.

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