The Terrorism In India and Pakistan

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The Terrorism In India and Pakistan


The terrorism has had an unfavorable impact on relations between India and Pakistan. And reasons like Crossing Border of the Country by the terrorists from Pakistan to India. However, second is the substitute war that is rising between India and Pakistan in Afghanistan .A basic proposition is that the global anti-terrorist plan has supported India than to Pakistan. This positive Indian opinion of the US is in noticeable contrast to the adverse view of the US in Pakistan. A compulsion for  the new democratically elected government in Islamabad to accept a very careful strategy toward militant Islam and the actions of the US and NATO military in Afghanistan.

Certainly, a essential reason for this severe difference between the two bordering South Asian countries is that Indians believe themselves as a victim of terrorist’s attacks. And the height of violent behavior have surge over the past few years. However, Pakistan has become the victim of terrorist activities as well, as the bombing of the Marriott Hotel in Islamabad demonstrates it. Democratic and economic growth is almost certainly the best solutions for terrorism. Hence, both the countries have to fight together with the terrorism helping each other for making better tomorrow.


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